
What Do We Do and Support?

The Friends is a registered charity which was founded more than 25 years ago. The sole purpose of the Friends is to raise money to help maintain both the fabric and the contents of Ashwell’s parish church.

The Friends is independent of the Church of England and we act on our own initiative to raise funds from our  generous donors.  We are able to donate money not only to the Church of England but to any other party who is responsible for, or involved in, St Mary’s maintenance and upkeep.

Many of our trustees and donors are not otherwise involved in the life of the Church but are concerned that St Mary’s is preserved and, indeed, enhanced, for the enjoyment and use of future generations.

In recent years we have made substantial financial contributions towards repairs to the tower, the South Aisle and the chancel, (both exterior and interior), have assisted with lighting and made grants to enhance the music of the church.  The tower will require much further work but the South Aisle and chancel are now in good repair and will be for many decades to come.  We expect to be involved soon in  projects to repair the North Aisle roof and improve access to St Mary’s.

Meet the Team

  • Stephen ten Hove

  • Karen Rogers

  • Chris Smith

  • John Paramour